My Everyday Make Up Routine | 500 peso Make Up Challenge

12:11 AM

I love sharing cheap finds because people might discover products that I've been loving and they may enjoy or love it as well. Yes, I'm that person who doesn't want to spend a lot on products or anything at all - unless it has good quality or if its food. Haha. When it comes to makeup I always try to find dupes for higher end products or look for a cheaper alternative.  I'm not the type of person who looks it to brands (name of the brand)  I mostly care about the quality of the product rather than the name. As long as it's my style and I like the quality then it's perfect. I don't think there's anything wrong with cheaper products, like what I said as long as its good then I'll use it. P.S yes I do actually use all of this every day as my makeup routine especially on days where I don't feel like putting on heavy makeup. I love watching 500 peso makeup challenge and I didn't realize until now that all of the products that I use if under 500 or 510pesos. I've always wanted to try and do this challenge so here's my everyday makeup routine and my take on the 500 pesos makeup challenge. All products are locally available, I will also provide cheaper alternatives and that is easy find; You may even find the products in your nearest Mercury Drugstore, 711, AlfaMart, Grocery Store.

I have an acne-prone and oily skin. I also have very sensitive skin. 
I am not an expert. I just love makeup and sharing them. 

So here it is. 
Option 1: 464 pesos / 489 pesos.

Here's another option for you guys.
Option 2: 437.50 pesos 

 Here are some alternatives for your 500 peso makeup challenge. 

Hope you guys enjoy my makeup routine and hope that helped you guys. 

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