Hello There! My name is Audrey Ordoñez; I'm 20 years old. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. I am a Psychology Major - Graduated batch 2017 and now a SPED Teacher.

I am just a simple, friendly little girl who loves writing every thought she has on a piece of paper or a journal. I love dancing, food, creating DIYs, writing thoughts and poems, sharing experiences. I spend most of my time on stalking and fangirling over famous people on Instagram and Twitter, listening to music, scrolling through Tumblr, watching Youtube videos and reminiscing and reassessing my life. I lack the confidence of talking in front of many people, but I can dance in front of thousands and thousands of people.

At a young age, I started using Tumblr, a blogging platform just like this, and I fell in love with it. My Tumblr is a personal blogish-journal online type of platform. I write my experiences, dreams, and thoughts, and I often reblog the things that reflect how I feel or if I like something. But I didn't have the space that I want. I craved having a platform on which to share myself, my help and my humor. Space where I can write and talk about DIYs, fashion, outfits, food, opinions, dreams or goals and traveling. So after thinking and forcing myself to be more confident, I started this blog. 

I decided to call my blog - Blank Stares because all of my ideas for all of my writings started with a blank canvas or thought while staring at something. 

Blank Stares is a safe place that captures and documents wonderful moments, chances and dreams. It's an inspiring, safe place. An online space for honesty, humor and innovative living. I'll be sharing my thoughts, dreams, adventures, lifestyle, outfit ideas, personal projects or DIY, and maybe recipes.  

 So here I am, I have space online. This platform is one of the many reasons why I am proud of myself,  I was able to start something new, I made my dream into a reality, a dream of becoming a Blogger.

So I dare you to do the same thing, follow your dream, try new things!
Capture and take every chances and opportunity you have right now to live the life you've always wanted.
To live, and be happy!

With all my love, 
